Sunday, August 30, 2009

Recent New from the Conservation Genetics Lab
  • A grant to develop genetic approaches towards conserving the declining coastal Emu population has been obtained through NPWS, Shannon will be working on this.
  • Congratulations to Shannon and Stephen for their recent papers in Insectes Sociaux and the Australian Journal of Zoology respectively.
  • A grant has been obtained from the Desert Park, Alice Springs to work on the endangered Mala. Vince will be working on characterising genetic variability and modelling for population persistence.
  • A grant has been obtained with Rob Harcourt through the Australian Marine Mammal Centre to study male dispersal and reproductive success in the Australian Sealion.
  • Well done Jess, who won the student prize for best talk at the Sydney meeting for the Oceania Chondrichthyan Society.
  • Our Biology Letters paper on sociality in bees and antimicrobial defence listed as ‘must read’ Faculty 1000 and makes the news section in the Journal Science.
  • Heidi’s paper in the Journal Of Fish Biology on the use of shark jaws in population genetics written up as news in the journal Nature